Budgeting for Financial Security and Peace of Mind
Most of us know we need a budget, yet few of us use one. This may partly explain why 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and 70% of Americans feel stressed about their personal finances. Achieving financial security and peace of mind requires informed, active management of your personal finances. Using a budget is a big step towards achieving this goal.
The first session, Educate, will focus on saving, spending and building wealth. The second session, Activate, will focus on using a budget worksheet along with Simplifi, a personal finance tool from Quicken. Attendees can register for either Educate or Educate and Activate.
The fee for the two session program is $75. This may be too much for some. In that case, please email me and I’ll provide a discount code. The program is for anyone seeking financial security and peace of mind.
The initial 2 hour session will educate on budgeting for financial security. Instruction is focused on saving, spending and building wealth using a budget plan.
The second 1 hour session will activate a saving, spending and wealth creation plan. Instruction is on using the financial tools and the steps to take each month.
I am available for one to one consultations for those seeking to elevate their budgeting skills.